
I want to integrate an existing svn repository with Trac (on CentOS 7)

I called trac-admin like this:

trac-admin TracQHG3 initenv 

After asking for the "Project Name", and the "Database connection string", it immediately started to install. This call completed without errors ("Congratulations").

I then wrote the path and type to my svn repository into section "[trac]" of trac.ini:

repository_dir =  /home/morpho_svn
repository_type = svn

When i start tracd

  tracd --port 8000 /raid2/home/QHG/TracQHG3

i can open the Trac page on a browser.

However, there is a warning:

Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (Unsupported version control system "svn": Can't find an appropriate component, maybe the corresponding plugin was not enabled? ). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Unfortunately, no log file is written by Trac, even though i specified a log file in trac.ini:

log_file = /tmp/trac.log

Also, the plugin subdirectory of my Trac environment TracQHG3 is empty.

Furthermore, the svn package for python 2.7 is installed: in python i can do 'import svn' without any errors.

How can i properly integrate svn with Trac?

Which Trac version?RjOllos
The version is tracd 1.0.13user1479670
Trac 1.0.13 is pretty old. I'd recommend moving to at least 1.2.5, or 1.4, for a better experience.RjOllos

1 Answers


You likely need to enable the components in trac.ini:

tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.* = enabled

For logging, you need to specify log_type = file. See TracLogging.