I'm working on a custom store locator based on a WordPress custom post type (winkels). Every store can be assigned to a taxonomy term within the taxonomy "winkelketen" (store chain). There are 3847 stores in total and querying them all with WP_Query works fine. When I create a WP_Query by a specific taxonomy term, not all posts within that taxonomy term are showing up.
For example: the taxonomy term "deen" counts 148 stores (posts) in WordPress. In my WP_Query I've added the taxonomy term "deen" for "winkelketen". When I count the results of the query, only 82 stores are found. This is my code:
$deen_stores_args = array(
'post_type' => 'winkels',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'winkelketen' => 'deen'
$deen_stores_query = new WP_Query( $deen_stores_args );
- Posts per page is set to unlimited (-1)
- All stores are published (post_status)
- The issue is visible on both my local WordPress and our testing server
What am I doing wrong or is there any limit within the WordPress core that needs to be increased?