
I want to install Azure Site Extension from Azure DevOps feed, and not nuget.org

I cannot find any instruction, except this link (5 years ago): https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/blog/writing-a-site-extension-for-azure-websites/

Didn't work for me. Just stack on this screen:

enter image description here

Any suggestions how to achieve this?

Update 1

I browsed to kudu, and saw this: enter image description here

Which gave me an idea to remove all previously installed site extensions. After doing this, I was able to see packages uploaded to myGet. So, now the main question. How to do this for Azure DevOps feed?

Update 2

I tried to set SCM_SITEEXTENSIONS_FEED_URL to my private feed in azure devops, but I get following error on kudu:

Failed to retrieve site extensions from Gallery - An error has occurred. - Kudu.Contracts.SiteExtensions.InvalidEndpointException - Invalid remote feed url: https://****.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/****/nuget/v3/index.json

It looks like kudu cannot connect to feed. I tried to edit nuget.config on target website, and add packageSourceCredentials. didn't help. However, manual install with nuget cli from kudu powershell was successful.


1 Answers


So, now the main question. How to do this for Azure DevOps feed?

If you're trying to publish your site extension to Devops feed and get the feed URL, you can follow this document to do that. Create a Devops feed in Azure Devops Artifacts and then=>Connect to Feed=>Nuget.exe, you can find the url of your Devops feed here:

enter image description here

The format is always https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/OrgName/ProjectName/_packaging/FeedName/nuget/v3/index.json. Maybe this is what you want.