
I'm working with google sheets and I'm trying to figure out a way of how to get the time when a cell is filled in? I would like that access this information via the google sheet script. Is that even possible? Thank you for your time.

I'll look into it thank youFederico Minelli
The onEdit() function is often misunderstood. It only fires on 'user' edits not on changes due to other script or formula actions. referenceCooper

1 Answers


After reading your question, I assume the following:

  • You want to detect when a particular cell is modified.
  • When the modification is detected, you want to print a timestamp in another cell.

If my assumptions are correct, you can use the following example to achieve your requests:


function onEdit(e) {
  if (e.range.getA1Notation() == "C4") {
    var timestamp = new Date().toLocaleTimeString('it-IT');
    SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet().getRange(4, 4).setValue(


The code will run when an edit is made on the spreadsheet by a user. It will check if the modified cell is the desired one (C4 in this example), and if it is a timestamp will be dropped in the time-keeping cell (D4 in this case).


  • This code works for every sheet of the spreadsheet. To make it exclusive to a sheet, you should use getSheet methods [as getSheetByName()].
  • Due to onEdit trigger limitations, this code won't run if the modification is made by a script (in opposition to a user edit).
  • The timestamp will be printed in the italian timezone because your name looks Italian to me. Please, forgive me if I mistook your timezone.


Please, don't hesitate to write me back any additional doubts or request me further clarifications.