I've developed a shiny app and i'm trying to do a first lightweight deploy using shinyproxy. All installation seems fine. I've installed docker, java.
I thought that building a package that wraps the app and other function would be a good idea.
So I developed a package (CI) and CI::launch_application
is basically a wrapper around RunApp
function of shiny
package. This is the code:
launch_application <- function(launch.browser = interactive(), ...) {
appDir = system.file("app", package = "CI"),
launch.browser = launch.browser,
I succesfully built the docker image with this Dockerfile
FROM rocker/r-base:latest
## Install required dependencies
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
## for R package 'curl'
libcurl4-gnutls-dev \
apt-utils \
## for R package 'xml2'
libxml2-dev \
## for R package 'openssl'
libssl-dev \
zlib1g-dev \
default-jdk \
default-jre \
&& apt-get clean \
&& R CMD javareconf \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/
## Install major fixed R dependencies
# - they will always be needed and we want them in a dedicated layer,
# as opposed to getting them dynamically via `remotes::install_local()`
RUN install2.r --error \
shiny \
dplyr \
devtools \
rJava \
# copy the app to the image
RUN mkdir /root/CI
COPY . /root/CI
# Install CI
RUN install2.r --error remotes \
&& R -e "remotes::install_local('/root/CI')"
# Set host and port
RUN echo "options(shiny.port = 80, shiny.host = '')" >> /usr/local/lib/R/Rprofile.site
CMD ["R", "-e", "CI::launch_application()"]
This is my application.yml file
logo-url: http://www.openanalytics.eu/sites/www.openanalytics.eu/themes/oa/logo.png
landing-page: /
heartbeat-rate: 10000
heartbeat-timeout: 60000
port: 8080
admin-groups: scientists
- name: jack
password: password
groups: scientists
- name: jeff
password: password
groups: mathematicians
authentication: simple
# Docker configuration
cert-path: /home/none
url: http://localhost:2375
port-range-start: 20000
- id: home
display-name: Customer Intelligence
description: Segment your customer
container-cmd: ["R", "-e", "CI::launch_application()"]
container-image: company/image
access-groups: scientist
When I launch java shinyproxy.jar
and i visited the url with the port I exposed, I see a login mask.
I logged in with simple authentication ( login is successful from shinyproxy.log) but neither an app is showing nor a list of app.
When I launch the app locally everything is fine.
container-cmd: ["R", "-e", "CI::launch_application()"]
– DzimitryM