A basic Confluent-Kafka producer and consumer have been created to send plaintext messages.
After successfully sending messages from producer to consumer, additional configs were added to use SSL rather than PLAINTEXT.
The following Configs have been implemented, which result in the following error.
"Message Timed Out"
Producer Configs:
bootstrap.servers: localhost9093
security.protocol: SSL
ssl.keystore.location: ../keystore.p12
ssl.keystore.password: [password]
ssl.ca.location: ../CARoot.pem
ssl.key.location: ../key.pem
ssl.certificate.location: ../cert.pem
ssl.key.password: [password]
Server Configs:
ssl.keystore.type= PKCS12
ssl.keystore.location= ../keystore.p12
ssl.keystore.password= [password]
ssl.ca.location= ..\\CARoot.pem
ssl.certificate.location= ..\\cert.pem
ssl.key.password= [password]
ssl.key.location= ../key.pem
security.inter.broker.protocol= SSL
listeners = PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092,SSL://localhost:9093
advertised.listeners = PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092,SSL://localhost:9093
Are there additional configs required to implement SSL?
Additionally, can anyone summarize the CARoot? From what I have read, it is a chain of certificates. Therefore, if there is only one certificate, should CARoot.pem and cert.pem be identical? This file might be the problem. The certificate and private key were created in PyOpenSSL. keystore.p12 was converted from a .jks keystore using keytool.
Is there a way to create a CARoot.pem file using this library?
Thank you.