
I am new to Laravel and have run into following issue:

I have a form that should redirect on Post request but redirect does not happen.

This is my form:

<form action="{{route('cart-store')}}" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{$product->id}}">
    <input type="hidden" name="name" value="{{$product->name}}">
    <input type="hidden" name="price" value="{{$product->price}}">

    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary shop-button">Add to Card</button>

This is CartController:

public function store(Request $request)

    Cart::add($request->id, $request->name, 1, $request->price)->associate('App\Product');

    return redirect()->route('cart-index')->with('success_message', 'Item was added to your cart!');


And this is the route:

Route::post('/cart', 'CartContrloller@store')->name('cart-store');

When I click on submit button, the URL gets filled with product data but I reamain on the same page instead of being regirected to Cart.

I have no clue why this is happenning. Is threre a way to at least find out what is broken? I am on 5.7 version.

Do you have a cart index route?Dmitry
yes, /cart route is reachable from urlPinPiguin
the redirect function redirects if the url is a GET request, since you have a POST route, it isnt redirecting and also i can see you are redirecting to the same store function, just make sure, its not calling itself.sunder s
Route::get('/cart', 'CartContrloller@index')->name('cart-index'); exists.PinPiguin
btw, i can alter the form before submitting and add the item to my cart with any price i want?lagbox

3 Answers


I guess the best practice here could be using laravel's redirect back :

return redirect()->back()->with('success_message','any message you want')

you can not redirect to a post method, post routes except: csrf_token and some data with POST method, redirect it self is HTTP GET.


In your Controller you need to use route('cart-index') in redirect()

public function store(Request $request)

    Cart::add($request->id, $request->name, 1, $request->price)->associate('App\Product');

    return redirect(route('cart-index'))->with('success_message', 'Item was added to your cart!');


or if you need to redirect back try:

return redirect()->back()->with('success_message', 'Item was added to your cart!');


You need to write this codes in your project:

Route::get('/cart', 'CartContrloller@index')->name('cart-index');
Route::post('/cart', 'CartContrloller@store')->name('cart-store');

public function index()
    return view('card.form');

public function store(Request $request)
    Cart::add($request->id, $request->name, 1, $request->price)->associate('App\Product');

    return redirect()->route('cart-index');

check this out and if you are seeding form parameters again in your url I am sure that your blade form method is not post, its get, maybe your changes doesnt saved!