You'll have to check for each condition within the filter expression which can be expensive regarding the simple operation of filtering.
I would suggest displaying the same reason for all filtred rows since it satisfies at least one condition in that expression. It's not pretty but I'd prefer this as it's efficient especially when you have to handle very large DataFrames.
data = [(1, 1, 5, -3, 0),(2, 0, 10, -1, 0), (3, 0, 10, -4, 1),]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["customer_id", "col_a", "col_b", "col_c", "col_d"])
filter_expr = "col_a > 0 AND col_b > 4 AND col_c < 0 AND col_d=0"
filtered_df = df.withColumn("reason_for_exclusion",
|customer_id|col_a|col_b|col_c|col_d|reason_for_exclusion |
|1 |1 |5 |-3 |0 |null |
|2 |0 |10 |-1 |0 |col_a > 0 AND col_b > 4 AND col_c < 0 AND col_d=0|
|3 |0 |10 |-4 |1 |col_a > 0 AND col_b > 4 AND col_c < 0 AND col_d=0|
Now, if you really want to display only the conditions which failed you can turn each condition to separated columns and use DataFrame select
to do the calculation. Then you'll have to check columns evaluated to False
to know which condition has failed.
You could name these columns by <PREFIX>_<condition>
so that you could identify them easily later. Here is a complete example:
filter_expr = "col_a > 0 AND col_b > 4 AND col_c < 0 AND col_d=0"
COLUMN_FILTER_PREFIX = "filter_validation_"
original_columns = [col(c) for c in df.columns]
condition_columns = [expr(f).alias(COLUMN_FILTER_PREFIX + f) for f in filter_expr.split("AND")]
filtered_df = + condition_columns)
filtered_df = filtered_df.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
filter_col_names = [c for c in filtered_df.columns if COLUMN_FILTER_PREFIX in c]
filter_columns = list()
for c in filter_col_names:
lit(f"{c.replace(COLUMN_FILTER_PREFIX, '')}")
array_reason_filter = array_except(array(*filter_columns), array(lit(None)))
df_with_filter_reason = filtered_df.withColumn("reason_for_exclusion", array_reason_filter)*original_columns, col("reason_for_exclusion")).show(truncate=False)
|customer_id|col_a|col_b|col_c|col_d|reason_for_exclusion |
|1 |1 |5 |-3 |0 |[] |
|2 |0 |10 |-1 |0 |[col_a > 0 ] |
|3 |0 |10 |-4 |1 |[col_a > 0 , col_d=0]|