I am trying to use marker clustering because I have over 2000 markers being mapped currently, but I am not sure how to implement it with the way that I am loading the markers. Do I have to use a GeoJSON in order to use marker clustering? I would prefer to not use GeoJSON if possible, I am using a JSON file at the moment and looping through the data stored on Firebase. I would like to use the supercluster library if possible (https://github.com/mapbox/supercluster) but I am not sure what to load into index.load(points). Is clustering possible the way I have my code at the moment?
var markers = [];
function allMarkers() {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var marker = document.createElement("div");
marker.className = "marker";
marker.style.backgroundImage = "url(./icons/all.png)";
marker.style.backgroundSize = "100%";
marker.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
marker.style.width = "25px";
marker.style.height = "25px";
marker.style.filter = "drop-shadow(0px 5px 6px #000000)";
new mapboxgl.Marker(marker)
.setLngLat([data[i].Long, data[i].Lat])
new mapboxgl.Popup()
).on("close", function() {
}).on("open", function() {
zoom = map.getZoom();
if (zoom < 17) {
center: [this._lngLat.lng, this._lngLat.lat],
zoom: 17
} else {
center: [this._lngLat.lng, this._lngLat.lat]