I am trying to use Angular Material in Angular 6 project but getting errors
- 'mat-panel-title' is not a known element:
- 'mat-panel-description' is not a known element:
- 'mat-expansion-panel-header' is not a known element:
- 'mat-form-field' is not a known element:
- 'mat-expansion-panel' is not a known element:
Here is the code
Personal data
Type your name and age
<input matInput placeholder="First name">
<input matInput placeholder="Age">
<mat-expansion-panel (opened)="panelOpenState = true"
(closed)="panelOpenState = false">
Self aware panel
Currently I am {{panelOpenState ? 'open' : 'closed'}}
<p>I'm visible because I am open</p>
ts filepanelOpenState = false;