
I can't launch wso2 micro-integrator 7.0.1. I launch files micro-integrator.sh or launcher_micro-integrator.sh or command wso2mi, after that i have strings in logs (look below), after that nothing, MI isn't loaded later. What is wrong? My Java_Home is correct. User who launches MI has all permissions on MI directory.

INFO {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.core.PassThroughListeningIOReactorManager} - Pass-through HTTP Listener started on
INFO {org.apache.axis2.transport.mail.MailTransportListener} - MAILTO listener started
INFO {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.core.PassThroughListeningIOReactorManager} - Pass-through HTTPS Listener started on
INFO {org.wso2.micro.integrator.initializer.StartupFinalizer} - WSO2 Micro Integrator started in 4 seconds

1 Answers


According to the below log, your Micro integrator has started successfully.

INFO {org.wso2.micro.integrator.initializer.StartupFinalizer} - WSO2 Micro Integrator started in 4 seconds

Micro integrator is starting in a very little time compared to the WSO2 Enterprise integrator and does not have the Mgt console capability of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator. However, you can access MI monitoring dashboard by referring to this doc.

Please check this quick start guide for more details on WSO2 Micro integrator.