
Is there any extension or viewhelper available which sets a watermark on a given FAL object? Currently I use compositeImage() of nativ \Imagick Object to do this, which is not a really clean solution.

Try this extension may be helpful to youGNB
I guess this is not what I am searching for. I want to watermark an FAL image Object . In the given EXT the copyright informations are added to html output but not on the generated image.Jürgen Pfusterschmied

1 Answers


Maybe you can build your own viewhelper based on typoscript.
There are a lot of solutions to insert watermarks into images with typoscript.

Your 'viewhelper' call could be:

<f:cObject typoscritpObjectPath="lib.watermark" data="{image}" />

while the typoscript looks like this:

lib.watermark = GIFBUILDER
lib.watermark {

    // use the current image. this might need some adaption
    10 = IMAGE
    10 {
        file = current
        treatIdAsReference = 1

    // add some text
    20 = TEXT
    20 {      
        text = © Name
        fontSize = 30
        fontColor = #F78F1E
        offset = [10.w]-[20.w]-10,[10.h]-10

    //   add an overlay image
    30 = IMAGE
    30.file = EXT:site_ext/Resources/Private/img/watermark.png
    30.mask = EXT:site_ext/Resources/Private/img/watermark.png

    XY = [10.w],[10.h]