
summary row

how do like that summary row in material table help me guys thanks


1 Answers


If by "Summary row" you're referring to table title, that's a prop "title" you just add to the <MaterialTable /> component.

However, I suspect you need the row with Total result, which I couldn't find in the examples, either. Here's a custom function you could use to calculate a total by your own, add it to your data set and achieve similar result:

const addTotal = (data, byColumn) => {
  let keys = Object.keys(data[0]);
  let total = data.reduce((acc, el) => {
    return acc += +(el[byColumn]);
  }, 0);

  let totalRow = {};
  let emptyRow = {};
  for (let key of keys) {
    if (key === keys[0]) {
      totalRow[key] = 'Total';
    } else if (key === byColumn) {
      totalRow[key] = total;
    } else {
      totalRow[key] = '';
    emptyRow[key] = '';
  return [...data, emptyRow, totalRow];

This will add an empty row and a total with the argument you put as byColumn. You need to be careful about the values you are summing (i.e. add type checking or validate the column name with hasOwnProperty).