Faced a problem while trying to handle clicking on a moving image.
I used InputAdapter.touchDown() to handle the click and created Sprite for the image. Then I set the borders through Sprite.setBounds(). Further, in fact, the problem: if the coordinates in setBounds() are unchanged - the click is handled correctly. But if you change them (position.x++, for example) - the object comes into motion, but clicks are not read.
I can’t understand where the reason.
I tried to make a alterable variable outside the method, but this also didn't bring any result. I tried using batch.draw(img) instead of img.draw(batch) - the effect is the same. I tried to relocate Gdx.input.setInputProcessor() to the render() method, after img.setBounds() - nothing changed.
I even compared the coordinates of the Img and the Bounds area online, in motion - they are the same, as it should be.
Img and handler in constructor:
img = new Sprite(new Texture(finSize));
centerX = Gdx.graphics.getWidth()/2-img.getWidth()/2;
centerY = Gdx.graphics.getHeight()/2-img.getHeight()/2;
startPosition = new Vector2(centerX, centerY);
Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter(){
public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
if(img.getBoundingRectangle().contains(screenX, screenY))
System.out.println("Image Clicked");
return true;
public void render(SpriteBatch batch, float radius, float boost) {
nextX = radius * (float) Math.cos(speed); // Offset step X
nextY = radius * (float) Math.sin(speed); // Offset step Y
// Img is moving, but clicks is not handling
img.setBounds(startPosition.x+ nextX, startPosition.y + nextY, 100, 100);
// Handling clicks fine, but img is motionless
img.setBounds(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, 100, 100);
// Checking coordinates - all's fine
System.out.println(startPosition.x + nextX);
System.out.println(startPosition.y + nextY);
method ever called? Set a breakpoint and make sure it is. Then compare bounding rectangle you get there with the screen coordinates to understand what's wrong – Nicolas