TL,DR; A FormGroup is not considered dirty when a nested FormControl is changed from disabled to enabled, or vice versa.
Detail; What is a good way of getting all form controls belonging to a FormGroup, that have changed from enabled to disabled, or vice versa?
As this Stackblitz shows, the pristine, dirty, touched, and untouched properties remain unchanged when a control changes from enabled to disabled, or vice versa.
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
person: FormGroup;
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.person ={
name: this.fb.control(''),
age: this.fb.control(100),
The Typescript above defines a single FormGroup (person
) with two FormControls (name
and age
The HTML below allows the name
control to be enabled and disabled by clicking a button. Some properties are output too.
<form [formGroup]="person">
<input type="text" placeholder="Name" formControlName="name">
<button (click)="person.controls['name'].disable()">Disable</button>
<button (click)="person.controls['name'].enable()">Enable</button>
<br />
<br />
<input type="text" placeholder="Age" formControlName="age">
<pre>{{person.value | json}}</pre>
disabled: {{ person.disabled }}<br />
pristine: {{ person.pristine }}<br />
dirty: {{ person.dirty }}<br />
touched: {{ person.touched }}<br />
untouched: {{ person.untouched }}<br />
I'd expected it to be easy to detect when a control is:
- enabled (where it was previously disabled)
- disabled (where it was previously enabled)
Unlike the pristine, dirty, touched, and untouched properties, the enabled and disabled state seems transient.
It seems there is no property of a FormGroup that reflects if child controls have been enabled or disabled away from their original state? The FormGroup remains pristine and untouched.
It has been suggested to use statusChanges. However, this only provides four possible validation status values (VALID, INVALID, PENDING, DISABLED). There is no clear way to map the status to a control and subsequently determine whether is has changed from enabled to disabled or vice versa. I've created another Stackblitz demonstrating this.
I've opened a bug FormGroup not dirty when a nested FormControl changes from disabled to enabled, or vice versa.
person.statusChanges.pipe(map(()=>person.disabled)).subscribe(value => console.log(value));
– Reactgular