
I need to take a entire screenshot from a web page with scroll.

I used the Capture Page Screenshot keyword but only capture the visible part.

I have tried to capture the body element with Capture Element Screenshot keyword, but I have not been able to obtain an image of the entire website.

CURRENT OUTPUT: enter image description here

EXPECTED OUTPUT enter image description here

I used SeleniumLibrary v.3.3.1, geckodriver v.0.26.0 and Robot Framework v.3.1.2. I tried in headless and non-headless mode, but the result is the same.


1 Answers


Please make use of the below commands one after another, and check once,

  1. Maximize Browser Window

  2. Capture Page Screenshot

if that does not work you need to scroll down using javascript and then take screenshots.

Execute JavaScript ${element}.scrollby(0,200)


use robotframework-sikulilibrary instead and give it a shot.