
On https://portal.azure.com/ - Cosmos DB Data Explorer, I can execute SQL queries. The result output is 100:

SELECT c.email FROM Clients c


To reduce the number of network round trips required to retrieve all applicable results, you can increase the page size using x-ms-max-item-count request header to up to 1000: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/performance-tips

Is it possible to use x-ms-max-item-count on that SQL query? Any other way to increase the limit of output results to it maximum?

Related question: How to get more than 100 query results with Azure DocumentDB REST API


1 Answers


In fact, there is a Query Explorer in azure cosmos db portal which is similar to Data Explorer mentioned in your question.

enter image description here

As you see,you could set items per page as custom number or unlimited. If it is in REST API, you could follow the case to configure the x-ms-max-item-count header. It it is in SDK,you could set the MaxItemCount property in FeedOptions.