I have the following setup: 2 Client applications (Xamarin Forms and WPF) and a single Web API (.NET Core 2.0). The client applications use the MSAL library to authenticate against Azure AD (Single Tenant application). After the client applications are authenticated they can call the Web API using their authentication token.
The Web API should authenticate this token ([Authorize]
in the controllers) if it is valid and to know what user is calling the API.
Authenticating the clients is no problem, using the AcquireTokenInteractive
and AcquireTokenSilent
methods this was made very easy.
When calling the Web API (using HttpClient
we add the token in the headers: client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Bearer", token);
The Web API is (removed all test code) configured like this (and I know this is not enough) in the Startup.cs
.AddAzureADBearer(options => Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options));
This is the template you get when creating a new project with Azure AD configured.
In the Azure AD Portal we have configured out Application and the ID's (TentantId, ClientId/ApplicationId) are configured on the client applications and the Web API.
We have done reseach in the On-Behalf-Of flow but I'm not sure that this is the flow we need.
The application is registered as a Single tentant
application and the Suggested Redirect Uri
is set to msal[UNIQUE_ID_I_REMOVED_FOR_SECURITY]://auth
should this be set to https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient
We do not have experience with the Azure AD flow and could use some help. If anybody can point me in the correct direction with links, documentation, sample code it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for any help.