I am creating demo project for using jetpack compose with mvvm , i have created model class that holds the list of users.. those users are displayed in list and there is a button at top which adds new user to the list when clicked... when user clicks on the button an the lambda updates activity about it and activity calls viewmodel which adds data to list and updates back to activity using livedata, now after the model receives the new data it does not update composable function about it and hence ui of list is not updated.. here is the code
data class UsersState(var users: ArrayList<UserModel> = ArrayList())
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val usersState: UsersState = UsersState()
private val usersListViewModel: UsersListViewModel = UsersListViewModel()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
usersListViewModel.getUsers().observe(this, Observer {
setContent {
onAddClick = { usersListViewModel.addNewUser() },
onRemoveClick = { usersListViewModel.removeFirstUser() })
class UsersListViewModel {
private val usersList: MutableLiveData<ArrayList<UserModel>> by lazy {
private val users: ArrayList<UserModel> = ArrayList()
fun addUsers() {
users.add(UserModel("jon", "doe", "android developer"))
users.add(UserModel("john", "doe", "flutter developer"))
users.add(UserModel("jonn", "dove", "ios developer"))
usersList.value = users
fun getUsers(): MutableLiveData<ArrayList<UserModel>> {
return usersList
fun addNewUser() {
users.add(UserModel("jony", "dove", "ruby developer"))
usersList.value = users
fun removeFirstUser() {
if (!users.isNullOrEmpty()) {
usersList.value = users
composable function
fun addList(state: UsersState, onAddClick: () -> Unit, onRemoveClick: () -> Unit) {
MaterialTheme {
FlexColumn {
inflexible {
// Item height will be equal content height
TopAppBar( // App Bar with title
title = { Text("Users") }
FlexRow() {
expanded(flex = 1f) {
text = "add",
onClick = { onAddClick.invoke() },
style = OutlinedButtonStyle()
expanded(flex = 1f) {
text = "sub",
onClick = { onRemoveClick.invoke() },
style = OutlinedButtonStyle()
VerticalScroller {
Column {
state.users.forEach {
Column {
Row {
Text(text = it.userName)
WidthSpacer(width = 2.dp)
Text(text = it.userSurName)
Text(text = it.userJob)
Divider(color = Color.Black, height = 1.dp)
the whole source code is available here
I am not sure if i am doing something wrong or is it because jetpack compose is still in developers preview , so would appreciate any help.. thank you