Question: How can I fix the Dockerfile to properly freeze requirements.txt and successfully build?
I am working through deploying a Dockerfile of a Python script utilizing Pyenv and Pipenv for local development.
On the build step where the Piplock file is frozen to requirements.txt, I receive the following error:
Error: Invalid value for "--python": Expected Python at path /Users/jz/.local/share/virtualenvs/quanter-TP0oWHoL/bin/python3 does not exist
My Dockerfile is:
FROM python:3.7
RUN pip install pipenv
COPY Pipfile* /tmp/
RUN cd /tmp && pipenv --python /Users/x/.local/share/virtualenvs/quanter-TP0oWHoL/bin/python3 lock --requirements > requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt
COPY . /tmp/app/
RUN pip install /tmp/app/
CMD ["python", "./tmp/app/"]
Creation of the local Pipenv environment provided this information about the interpreter, (which was used in the Dockerfile):
Using /usr/local/opt/pyenv/versions/3.8.0/bin/python3 (3.8.0) to create virtualenv… ⠙ Creating virtual environment...Using base prefix '/usr/local/opt/pyenv/versions/3.8.0' New python executable in /Users/x/.local/share/virtualenvs/quanter-TP0oWHoL/bin/python3 Also creating executable in /Users/x/.local/share/virtualenvs/quanter-TP0oWHoL/bin/python
Pyenv is using 3.8.0 locally:
pyenv versions
* 3.8.0 (set by /Users/x/Projects/quanter/.python-version)
Any help getting this working would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.