
I am applying "avroCompressionCodec": "snappy" for avro dataset. However Copy activity in Azure Data Factory V2 pipeline ignores compression. At design time it shows a warning - The compression type will be ignored when using Avro dataset as copy destination.

Do we know how to apply compression in this case?


1 Answers


As it is stated in the official documents. Compression settings are not currently supported for AvroFormat data.

Compression settings are not supported for data in the AvroFormat, OrcFormat, or ParquetFormat. When reading files in these formats, Data Factory detects and uses the compression codec in the metadata. When writing to files in these formats, Data Factory chooses the default compression codec for that format. For example, ZLIB for OrcFormat and SNAPPY for ParquetFormat.

You can post your idea to Microsoft here, asking for the feature to support compression settings for AvroFormat data.