I have multiple issues (people) in a Jira cloud instance and they all have a birthday field. Now, I'ld like to run a JQL to find out if anyone have a birthday today, so I can remind everyone else. Is this possible? I also have access to the automation for jira plugin if that helps.
3 Answers
Assuming that your birthday field is a valid date, try birthday_field >= startOfDay() AND birthday_field < endOfDay
which should give you a result set of people/issues with birthday field value that fall today. For additional references, checkout Function Reference page.
I'm afraid this won't be easily possible.
If the field is date field (e.g. 11/Dec/1979), the birthday is probably stored including year of birth and therefore time functions (now()
, startOfDay()
, ...) won't work.
If the field is string field (1979-12-11), then you won't be able to compare it with today as you can get now()
as a string.
One idea - if you have ScriptRunner installed, create a simple custom scripted field (e.g. Birthday Anniversary) and recalculate original birthday to birthday anniversary this year (11/Dec/2019). You will be then able to compare this field with today, e.g.:
"Birthday Anniversary" = now()
On top of that, once you are able to create such filter, you can create a custom dashboard with today's birthdays and you can subscribe to this filter and get daily overview of today's birthdays.
In my team we send notification about tickets in the following ways:
- Jira filters subscription for cases where we need plain(to one person/lead/manager) notification, but without fields analysis
- https://github.com/dgroup/lazylead for cases where we need automatically check ticket fields, comments, links and alert corresponding person, assignee or reporter. Please note that i'm author of https://github.com/dgroup/lazylead app.