The situation is that I have 2 applications: A and B that are in the same namespace of a cluster on gke. A is on 1 pod and B is on 2 pods.
Everytime a client communicates with our service. It connects first on A with websockets. A then sends http request to B. Since there is 2 pods of B, I would like to have session affinity between the Client from outside and with my application B so that everytime a client connects to A, it will always process his requests through the same pod of B.
Every session affinity option I saw are based on Ingress gateway or services, but since I'm already in the cluster, I don't need an Ingress.
I also saw that there is some services that provides support for http cookies. That would be good but it is always an external service like Nginx or Istio and since I'm working in a highly restricted development environment it is kind of a pain to add those service in the cluster.
Is there anything native to the gke that can provide me with http cookie session affinity or something similar?