
I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that counts the number of a particular occurrence on a row only when it matches the name.

       Col A       Col B    Col C    Col D
Row 1  **Jane**    Apple    Orange   Apple
Row 2  **Bob**     Orange   Apple    Orange
Row 3  **John**    Apple    Apple    Apple
Row 4  **Joe**     Orange   Apple    Apple

I was thinking =IF(A:A=A2, COUNTIF($B$2:$D$4,"Apple"), "NULL") will work but it's not giving the expected result.

The expected result in the above formula is 1

Why is the answer 1?SJR
the name 'Jane' is in there only once, anyway, so a lot of formulas will deliver that result. Can you post a more representative data sample? '1' would also be the result for the other rows, right? Why 1? There are two apples on that row.teylyn
The answer should be '1' cos cell reference A2 is Bob and the word 'Apple appears just once in its row.Kev
The idea of the formula is 'if A2 matches any of the names in Column A [if Bob matches any name in list {Jane, Bob, John, Joe}], count how many times Bob got "Apple"(Count the occurrences of Apple on Row 2).Kev

1 Answers


One way is using SUMPRODUCT, viz:


To make it a bit more flexible, could do something like this:


enter image description here