I made a small library to track the loading of all my api calls.
It basically is an array which contains objects describing one loading process. I import this library into a Single File Component to make calls to it. I then pass the array from the library to a child component and want to render all my objects in the array (the loading statuses). I see the data updating in Vue Devtools on the child component, however it is not updated in the page.
What i tried:
- passing the vue instance from the parent component and use $set to update the array
- using array.splice to update the array
- creating a new object with Object.assign, update the new object and then update the array (splice/$set)
- passing a key and updating this key when updating thew object
- calling methods in the library in the console
sample updating function:
function _finish(name, descFinished) {
const i = _loaders.findIndex(l => l.name == name);
if(i < 0) throw new NameNotFoundException(name);
let loader = Object.assign({}, _loaders[i]);
if(descFinished != undefined) loader.descFinished = descFinished;
loader.loading = false;
loader.error = false;
loader.endTime = new Date();
vm.$set(_loaders, i, loader);
return _loaders[i];
I pass to the child component like this
<loading-status v-if="loadstatus" :statuses="loadstatus.getAllLoaders()"></loading-status>
child component looks this this
<div v-if="statuses">
<div v-for="status in statuses" :key="status.name">
{{ status.loading == true ? 'true' : 'false' }}
export default {
name: 'loading-status',
props: {
statuses: {
type: Array,
required: true
image of the array not being reactive on the page
some more information that may be useful:
the library structure:
function loadmanager(vueinstance) {
//library internals here
// for example my array i want to render:
let _loaders = [];
var publicInterface() {
//public accesable functions here
//i call this to pass the array to my child component
getAllLoaders() {
return _loaders;
return publicInterface;
exports.makeLoadManager = loadmanager;
i import the library in the vue SFC and call it in the mounted hook
import loadhelper from "../../helpers/Loadstatus.js";
data() {
return {
loadstatus: null
mounted() {
this.loadstatus = loadhelper.makeLoadManager(this);
My question boils down to: How do I reactively render or correctly update an array from a js library in vue.
I would be happy to provide more information if that helps answering my question.