I'm displaying a story on a website, I would like to dynamically add an image within the story, how could I do that?
I don't want to add it at the beginning of the story or at the end of the story, but dynamically embed it somewhere in the middle of the story with either a float left or right.
I'm using PHP and jQuery and the story could have HTML in it as well. If I have a story like so, how can I embed the image?
Nullam nibh lorem, aliquam sed sodales sed, egestas at tortor. Curabitur commodo urna non elit scelerisque ac rutrum tellus interdum. Phasellus arcu leo, congue eu ultrices vitae, pulvinar vitae neque. Sed tempor dolor eu eros aliquet in egestas metus bibendum. Etiam eleifend tellus vitae purus consectetur eget venenatis ligula cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla in elit erat. Vestibulum mattis malesuada sapien quis sodales. Sed id tortor id odio mollis iaculis eu a sem. Morbi pellentesque lorem vitae ante molestie
<img src="pathtoimage" style="float:left;">
sit amet pulvinar lorem porta. Mauris tempor laoreet quam vel tristique. Donec ultrices porttitor sapien, eu consectetur tortor rhoncus eget. Nulla vehicula magna nisi. Aenean consectetur placerat laoreet. Praesent blandit quam turpis, non egestas elit. Quisque dolor turpis, sollicitudin id elementum sit amet, sodales at metus. Duis tortor neque, scelerisque a adipiscing quis, blandit non velit. Donec mattis, nibh at pharetra porta, erat massa tempor quam, at hendrerit sem nibh sit amet magna. Sed auctor lectus ac magna accumsan commodo. Nam vehicula velit et neque eleifend sit amet eleifend leo euismod.