
I am trying to upload an application to newly created azure batch account from the portal I followed below steps-

1) Created a azure batch account.
2) Create .zip of the application exe in local desktop
3) Go to the application options
4) Click on add applications 
5) Give applicationid, version and application package path by selecting the .zip from local machine.
6) Click on submit

Got different Errors-

  • ajaxExtended call failed
  • Upload Error for ffmpeg.zip
  • Upload block blob to blob store failed. Details: StatusCode = 201, StatusText = Created.
Please note the size of the .zip is < 22 MB.reach2saurabh
This seems like probably temporary portal issue or something with storage, beacuse what I can see is that Status=201 is success in terms to creation for Detail see here: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/… . Probably would be worth it to try again, add screenshot or raise portal issue if this is happeing in your browser, given what youmentioned I tried this and was not able to see this specific error. thanksTats_innit
yes the document reference created, but it's in pending state as not uploaded completely.reach2saurabh

3 Answers


This happened to me as well, and like Phil G, I noticed that a message was showing up in F12 developer tools that 'the auto storage account keys are invalid.'. However, they were valid.

The problem was that I had turned off 'allow access from all networks' under firewalls and network configuration. Changing this back to 'allow access from all networks' worked, at the tradeoff of security.

If relevant, I'm using a cluster with public access disabled, and user subscription pool allocation mode.


I had a slightly different error and the message was very vague:

Upload Error for ffmpeg-3.4-win64-static.zip
File Upload encountered an unexpected error during upload.

Batch Explorer also failed to upload the file. By looking at the network traffic in my browser I saw the POST request recieved a success 200 code, but looking inside the response JSON I saw the detailed error:

HHTP Status 409 - The auto storage account keys are invalid, please
sync auto storage keys.

I'd changed them a day ago, and had successfully used the new ones in a batch app, but in order for the batch account to automatically upload the application to the storage account they keys needed to be synchronized. Quick fix was to sync the keys and all was good.


Actually when we upload a .zip file in this case it's failing, its better to use Azure Batch Explorer, its a desktop application. https://azure.github.io/BatchExplorer/

Than you can easily add a package/ application to your batch account.

Also I was getting the same error when uploading a file to blob container from azure portal, so I used Microsoft Azure Explorer to upload and download the files.