I'm trying to obtain the relative abundance using a merge_sample option of the Phyloseq package.
When I calculate the average of each Phylum (I will use GlobalPatterns as example) with all the samples; I mean, Globalpaters have 26 samples so I made something like
TGroup <- tax_glom(GlobalPatterns, taxrank = "Phylum")
PGroup <- transform_sample_counts(TGroup, function(x)100* x / sum(x))
OTUg <- otu_table(PGroup)
TAXg <- tax_table(PGroup)[,"Phylum"]
AverageD <- as.data.frame(rowMeans(OTUg))
names(AverageD) <- c("Mean")
GTable <- merge(TAXg, AverageD, by=0, all=TRUE)
GTable$Row.names = NULL
GTable <- GTable[order(desc(GTable$Mean)),]
I get something like :
Phylum Mean
1 Proteobacteria 29.45550
2 Firmicutes 18.87905
3 Bacteroidetes 17.34374
4 Cyanobacteria 13.70639
5 Actinobacteria 8.93446
6....... More.....
What I think it is ok !!!!
However when I tray to mage merge_samples( by: SampleType):
ps <- tax_glom(GlobalPatterns, "Phylum")
ps0 <- transform_sample_counts(ps, function(x)100* x / sum(x))
ps1 <- merge_samples(ps0, "SampleType")
ps2 <- transform_sample_counts(ps1, function(x)100* x / sum(x))
ps3 <- ps2
otu_table(ps3) <- t(otu_table(ps3)) # transpose the matrix otus !!!
OTUg <- otu_table(ps3)
TAXg <- tax_table(ps3)[,"Phylum"]
GTable <- merge(TAXg, OTUg, by=0, all=TRUE)
GTable$Row.names = NULL
GTable$Mean=rowMeans(GTable[,-c(1)], na.rm=TRUE)
GTable <- GTable[order(desc(GTable$Mean)),]
I get the same tax but with different percent in the Mean column :
Phylum Feces Freshwater Freshwater Mock Ocean Sediment Skin Soil Tongue Mean
1 Proteobacteria 1.58 16.71 18.61 20.10 38.00 71.03 31.98 32.66 44.49 30.57
2 Firmicutes 54.82 0.12 0.65 41.42 0.08 2.53 30.67 0.64 21.67 16.96
3 Bacteroidetes 35.23 11.92 5.07 24.97 31.17 7.01 9.09 9.90 12.28 16.29
4 Cyanobacteria 2.63 30.17 62.57 0.16 19.18 3.24 4.65 0.97 6.61 14.46
5 Actinobacteria 3.47 37.11 1.74 8.39 5.12 1.04 16.78 9.99 7.49 10.13
well at this point with the merge_samples by SampleType, each column (Sample) will glom the taxa and the percent for each Phylum in each sample will change (Feces Freshwater Freshwater... ), I understand that but the general average of each Phylum must be the same, even if I merge the samples, in this case, the Mean is different (Proteobacteria 30.57, Firmicutes 16.9, Bacteroidetes 16.29........).
Any solution or advice ????