I am not a XQuery expert. Jut know enough to get by. Recently I had migrated my very Xquery execution code from Saxon 8.4 to So I did some changes in the way the XQ files are executed. The code is error free but during runtime, I get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Supplied node must be built using the same or a compatible Configuration
The code that I modified to run the XQ files looks like this:
// Prepare the environment for Saxon
SaxonErrorListener listener = new SaxonErrorListener();
listener.setLogger(new StandardLogger(new PrintStream(errors, true, "UTF-8")));
StaticQueryContext staticContext = new StaticQueryContext(getSaxonConfig());
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
// Set up the dynamic context
DynamicQueryContext dynamicContext = new DynamicQueryContext(getSaxonConfig());
if ((xmlData != null) && (xmlData.length() > 0)) {
dynamicContext.setContextItem(configuration.buildDocumentTree(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlData))).getRootNode());
// If required use a (URI) uriResolver to handle xquery "doc" functions and module imports
if (uriResolver != null) {
// If any external variables required, add them to the dynamic context
if (getExternalVariables().size() > 0) {
for (String varname : getExternalVariables().keySet()) {
StructuredQName structuredQName = new StructuredQName("", "", varname);
ObjectValue<Object> objectValue = new ObjectValue<Object>(getExternalVariables().get(varname));
dynamicContext.setParameter(structuredQName, objectValue);
// Prepare the XQuery
XQueryExpression exp;
exp = staticContext.compileQuery(xQuery);
// Run the XQuery
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
exp.run(dynamicContext, new StreamResult(out), saxonProps);
// Collect the content
xqResult = out.toString();
The line that throws the error is:
dynamicContext.setContextItem(configuration.buildDocumentTree(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlData))).getRootNode());
Now I Googled around for the solution, but didn't find much info on this. Nor the XQ documentation has too many examples that I can learn off of. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
at least twice, does that function ensure you return and use the same Configuration? At least the error message suggests that you are using two different ones. – Martin Honnen