My app contains a button called set value
. I would like to use sendCustomMessage
and setInputValue
to reset the value of input inp
to 'hi' each time set value
is clicked. I'm using a wrapper function called setInputVal
for the sendCustomMessage
The value of inp
is reset as expected if I specify the namespace prefix for the input id inside the call to setInputVal but not if I leave it out. So setInputVal(session, ns('inp'), 'hi')
works but setInputVal(session, 'inp', 'hi')
Why do I need to specify the namespace prefix here? My thinking was that the session$
bit in session$sendCustomMessage
implies that the message is accessing module's session and so the namespace prefix isn't be required (similar to how in the module's server function we use input$inp
to access inp
's value and not input[[ns('inp')]]
And why is it that when we use an update*
function (like updateSelectInput
) in a module server, we don't need to specify the ns prefix? (I've included a selectInput
in the UI and an observeEvent in the server to demonstrate updateSelectInput
.) When I look at the code for updateSelectInput, I see that it also uses session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)
and does not seem to attach the ns prefix to the inputId parameter at any point.
setInputVal <- function(session, inputId, value) {
type = 'setInputVal',
message = list(
id = inputId, value = value)
# module UI ---------------------------------------------------------------
modUI <- function(id) {
ns = NS(id)
tags$head(tags$script("Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setInputVal', function(data) {
Shiny.setInputValue(, data.value);
# selectInput(ns('letter'), 'letter', letters),
actionButton(ns('set'), 'set value')
# module server -----------------------------------------------------------
modServer <- function(input, output, session) {
ns = session$ns
observeEvent(input$set, setInputVal(session, 'inp', value = 'hi'))
# observeEvent(input$set, {
# updateSelectInput(session, 'letter', selected = 'u')
# print(input$letter)
# })
# main UI -----------------------------------------------------------------
ui <- fluidPage(modUI('hi'))
# main server -------------------------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output, session) {
callModule(modServer, 'hi')
# Run app
shinyApp(ui, server)
come from? – Mikko Marttila