So I am using vuetify with "baseline" layout (from the documentation : I set one page as pre rendered with :
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new PrerenderSPAPlugin({
// Required - The path to the webpack-outputted app to prerender.
staticDir: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
// Required - Routes to render.
routes: [ '/about' ],
The page generated is fine. I made a compare with the html content from SPA and it's the same. However when the web server use it, the menu doesn't work. It's like the js is no executed to attach event to the elements.
The point is even if I take the content of the spa page and I copy past it in a page it doesn't work. I really dont get it. And I have no error in my debug console :-(
If anybody is inspired ? Or a process to analyse more deeply the issue.
Thanks a lot
to your root app element. See: – Lee