
The situation at the moment is that we have a sharepoint server which started out as a pilot but now actually runs as the production environment. The server on which sharepoint runs is an old machine which does not conforms the standard requirements so I want to move the current environment to the shiny new server.

I've red a lot about migrating the MOSS services, databases and content and stuff but to be honest I am kinda lost in a sea of information and I can't find the right method to do this, I've tried to install MOSS 2007 on the new server as a clean install, restored the databasses on the new server, restored the backup on the new server which I made with Sharepoint Central Administration, alas, I did not worked :-( Lots of "Can't find this" and "Can't find that" errors...

It should be possible to grab all the data/sites/subsites/databasses/content/documents and everything else and restore that to the new server right?

Anyways, I was hoping for some step-by-step information... :-)

Regards Erik404

Comment: The Sharepoint Environment also includes custom webparts/solutionserik404

3 Answers


I think I found a way to do a complete migration...

Install a fresh version of MOSS 2007 on the new server (Server_B). Install the features and solutions you have on Server_A. Then use the SPContentDeploymentWizard which can be downloaded for free from CodePlex to make an export of all site content and import these on Server_B. Also backup custom databases needed by features and create these on Server_B.

I do have a almost completly equal server running now, some funky errors pop up now and then so I don't think it's the best way to do it...

Also, custom developed webparts need to be deployed manually to the new server, I didn't find a way to migrate these


You are on the right track. The CodePlex solution is just a wizard GUI of what you would have to do at the command line via stsadm.

Essentially you:

  1. Build the new server w/ all the patches, Service Packs etc that are on the old.
  2. You will want to run a command at the cmd line to scan for and resolve any orphaned sites in your databases on Server A (command slips my mind but you can find it in TechNet - I think it's repair database - something like that)
  3. Limit access to Server A - so you don't have user changes during your migration.
  4. Prepare the databases for migration - another stsadm command - stsadm -o preparetomove
  5. Detach the databases from Server A. Horrible command of -o deletedatabase - it deletes the reference but not the actual database (but still!)
  6. Attach the databases to Server B

You should be good at that point.

As you've discovered - you can't migrate custom code, webparts etc. These need to be reinstalled. One of the reasons that solutions / features are really recommend for customizations.

Also - the search dbs, indexes etc. need to be recreated. You can't bring those over. But that's fairly straightforward - and makes sense when you think about it.