In Installing SAP Commerce Using Installer Recipes and Installer Recipe Reference, there is a comment that says something like:
The installer is currently only intended to install SAP Commerce in development environments or for demonstration purposes. Do not use the installer to install SAP Commerce in a production environment.
However, guides like Customizing the Accelerator with extgen and modulegen usually mention recipes:
On Windows:
install.bat -r b2c_acc_plus
So, how do you really set-up a project from scratch? Do you start with recipes, or do you start with ant modulegen
I don't see clear instructions (or best practice) on how I should build a B2C/B2B application from scratch for development and then preparing it for Production. (Maybe there is a gap in the instructions, or I just don't know where it is)
Even the Installing SAP Commerce Cloud for use with Spartacus guide mentions starting with a B2C recipe. Does this mean that the starting point of building a SAP Commerce project is to use recipes? Are there cases where you would not use a recipe, and build everything from scratch using ant modulegen
and ant addoninstall