
I am trying to convert SAS files to CSV in Azure Databricks. SAS files are in Azure Blob. I am successfully able to mount the azure bolb in Databricks, but when I read from it, it has no files even though there are files on Blob. Has anyone done this before?


Could you please add the commands which you have tried along with the error message received?CHEEKATLAPRADEEP-MSFT
I have used the following code to mount the azure blob: dbutils.fs.mount( source = "wasbs://<container-name>@<storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net", mount_point = "/mnt/<mount-name>", extra_configs = {"<conf-key>":dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "<scope-name>", key = "<key-name>")}) This throws no errors.Harsh Goswami
Then I check the contents with %fs ls This lists the mount storage location. I check that with display(dbutils.fs.ls("dbfs:/mnt/")) and then with my mount name display(dbutils.fs.ls("dbfs:/mnt/harsh")) which gives an error of java.io.FileNotFoundException: / is not foundHarsh Goswami

2 Answers


Make sure you have mounted a Blob storage container correctly.

Here is the complete steps to mount a blob storage container and access the files:

enter image description here

Reference: Mount an Azure Blob Storage Container

Hope this helps.


Turns out there was an error in the first step while mounting the Blob storage. Thank you for all the help, really appreciate it!