I' am trying to add a checkbox column in a kendo-grid through Telerik's documentation. When I try to check or uncheck a checkbox from a row it does not work.
Here is my html:
[disabled]='mySelection.length === 0'
class="btn-danger btn-sm"
(click)="removeSelectedItems()">Remove selected items</button>
<kendo-grid-checkbox-column width="15" showSelectAll="true" [columnMenu]="false" >
<ng-template kendoGridHeaderTemplate>
<input class="k-checkbox" id="selectAllCheckboxId" kendoGridSelectAllCheckbox
<label class="k-checkbox-label"
export class ImagesGridComponent implements OnInit{
@Input() captures: Array<Image>;
@Input() positionSection: number;
selectedImages: any[] = [];
public selectAllState: SelectAllCheckboxState = 'unchecked';
public mySelection: any[] = [];
public gridView: GridDataResult;
public selectableSettings: SelectableSettings = {
enabled: false,
checkboxOnly: false,
mode: 'multiple'
ngOnInit(): void {
Function that returns the object stored in the row. Used for [kendoGridSelectBy]:
getWholeItemRow(context: RowArgs) {
return context.dataItem;
Function that should fired when the [selectedKeys] collection is updated: (NOT WORKING)
public onSelectedKeysChange(e) {
const len = this.mySelection.length;
if (len === 0) {
this.selectAllState = 'unchecked';
} else if (len > 0 && len < this.captures.length) {
this.selectAllState = 'indeterminate';
} else {
this.selectAllState = 'checked';
Function used when the header checkbox is checked/unchecked:
public onSelectAllChange(checkedState: SelectAllCheckboxState) {
if (checkedState === 'checked') {
this.mySelection = this.captures;
this.selectAllState = 'checked';
} else {
this.mySelection = [];
this.selectAllState = 'unchecked';
Used to fill the grid:
loadItems() {
this.gridView = {
data: this.captures,
total: this.captures.length
Thank you.
I edited the selectableSettings object and now works:
public selectableSettings: SelectableSettings = {
enabled: true,
checkboxOnly: true,
mode: 'multiple'