I have the following code for signing up a user. Where I first validate the user input. Secondly I check to see if the user already exists, if yes it should return with response 400. If not go to step 3 and add the new user. Finally in step 4 return the newly created entry. Logically, it works and adds data to database correctly, however it always responds back with 'User already exists'
on postman (from step 2) even if it's a new user which has correctly added the user to the db. Which makes me think the third step is being done before a response in step 2 can be sent, which would mean I have not chained the promise correctly. Also the new user is never sent back as response, which I think is because I have not used Promise.then() together with user.save() correctly. I also get the following error (posted after the code), which I understand means I am trying to send a second response after a first has already been sent. I can solve this problem with async and await but want to learn how to do it this way. Thanks, any help is appreciated.
const { User, validateUser } = require('../models/userModel');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
router.post('/', (req, res) => {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
//Step 1: validae the user input and if there is an error, send 400 res and error message
console.log('My user post body req::', req.body);
const { error } = validateUser(req.body); //this is using Joi.validate() which has a error property if errors are found
if (error) {
return res.status(400).send(error.details[0].message);
.then(() => {
//step 2: check if user already exists, if yes send res 400
let user = User.findOne({ email: req.body.email });
if (user) {
return res.status(400).send('User already exists');
.then(() => {
//Step 3: enter new user into the database
user = new User({
name: req.body.name,
email: req.body.email,
password: req.body.password
return user.save();
.then((result) => {
//step 4: return the newly added user
return res.status(200).send(result);
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error Adding new User', error);
module.exports = router;
I get the following error message from the catch. Even though I am I am returning with every response
Error Adding new User Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
at ServerResponse.setHeader (_http_outgoing.js:494:11)
at ServerResponse.header (/home/ssaquif/WebDevProjects/movie-reviews-backend/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:771:10)
at ServerResponse.send (/home/ssaquif/WebDevProjects/movie-reviews-backend/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:170:12)
at ServerResponse.json (/home/ssaquif/WebDevProjects/movie-reviews-backend/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:267:15)
at ServerResponse.send (/home/ssaquif/WebDevProjects/movie-reviews-backend/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:158:21)
at /home/ssaquif/WebDevProjects/movie-reviews-backend/routes/users.js:35:27
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5) {