I'm getting an error "This operation is not supported on a range with a filtered out row." on Google Apps Script while trying to retrieve the filter. (I'm attempting to implement a solution I found here (Adding a row to a filtered range).
The error:
This operation is not supported on a range with a filtered out row.
at getFilter(functions:190)
at editHousehold(Code:51)
at addHousehold(Code:30)
Where the function getFilter row 190 is the following:
var filter = sheet.getFilter();
"sheet" is a Sheet object parameter sent by editHousehold(51) - that line is:
var oldCrit = getFilter(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Household List"), true);
I'm actually implementing this to avoid the error in question - why would I be receiving it when I'm simply trying to access the sheet's filter??