I have a device that is an mqtt client to Azure IoT Hub and want the devcie to be notified about changes/updates in the device-twin for that device.
I've successfully connected and updated the reported value in the device-twin from the device but can't seem to get an event when I change some of the desired properties in the device-twin from the Azure shell (https://shell.azure.com/) using a command like this:
az iot hub device-twin update -n <myIotHubBame> -d <myDeviceId> --set properties.desired='{"foo":"bar"}'
On the device I've tried subscribing to $iothub/twin/res/#
and devices/<myDeviceId>/messages/devicebound/#
but am not receiving any message after issuing the az command from the Azure shell.
I tried also setting a message route with Data Source = Twin Change Events and Endpoint = event but still no message being received in the device.
Anyone has a suggestion on how to get notification to the device when properties in the device-twin changes ?