I created my own class for PopoverController (Without subclassing UIPopoverController) to present ViewControllers in the way i want.
CustomPopoverController is NOT a UIViewController, instead it has an ivar called "contentViewController" which is the VC that will actually be displayed.
I implemented my own "dismissPopoverAnimated:" to dismiss my custom popover when the user tap anywhere outside the contentViewController's frame:
-(void) dismissPopoverAnimated : (BOOL) animated
// dismissalView is the view that intercept the taps outside.
[self.dismissalView removeFromSuperview];
self.dismissalView = nil;
if (animated)
CGRect newFrame = self.view.frame;
// When in landscape Mode the width of the screen is actually the "height"
newFrame.origin.y = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5
animations:^{self.view.frame = newFrame;}
completion: ^(BOOL finished) {if(finished) [self.contentViewController.view removeFromSuperview];}];
[self.contentViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
isPresented = NO;
[self.delegate customPopoverDidDismissPopover:self];
The problem is, that even though removeFromSuperView
is called in any case - animated or not, the contentViewController
never receives either viewWillDisappear
, viewDidDisappear
or even viewDidUnload
when i'm releasing the contentViewController
Does anyone have an idea why? Or even better throw some light on the chain of viewWill.../viewDid... method and when they supposed to be called.
self.contentViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
I think will call the viewWillDisappear in ContentViewController – visakh7