I have written a SQL code in snowflake to create a pivot table. I am using the object of the pivot table in another query but its not being recognized.
create or replace table "SCRATCH"."ASHISHKUMAR".pivoted2 as
sample_number,customer_sample_number, grower, farm, field, test_parameter,result, SYM, project_id
avg (result)
FOR test_parameter IN ('Falling Number',
'Damaged Kernels Total',
'Alpine Screen O/100',
'Width (W)',
'Area (135 min.)',
'Tolerance (Stability)',
'Bread Score Total (100)',
'Ratio No. (Max) (135 min.)',
'Area (90 min.)',
'Ratio No. (R/E) (90 min.)',
'Resistance (90 min.)',
'Shrunken & Broken',
'Wheat of Other Classes',
'Alpine Screen O/45',
'Bake Absorption',
'Crumb Color (10)',
'Digital Image Analysis',
'Max. Resistance (135 min.)',
'Weight (Average)',
'Dough Temp.',
'Volume 1',
'Top Grain Score',
'Extensibility (45 min.)',
'Resistance (45 min.)',
'Hardness (Std. Deviation)',
'Moisture (Std. Deviation)',
'Dry Gluten',
'Diameter (Std. Deviation)',
'Weight (Std. Deviation)',
'Contrasting Classes',
'Heat Damage',
'Alpine Screen O/140',
'Bake @ 425°',
'Mix 1 (straight dough)',
'Taste (10)',
'Uniformity (10)',
'Spread Factor (W/T)',
'Ratio No. (R/E) (45 min.)',
'Proof Time',
'Extensibility (90 min.)',
'Test Weight (kg/hl)',
'Total Defects',
'Alpine Screen T/325',
'Crust (10)',
'Symmetry (10)',
'Extensibility (135 min.)',
'1000 Kernel Weight',
'Aroma (10)',
'Volume 2',
'Ratio No. (Max) (90 min.)',
'Ratio No. (R/E) (135 min.)',
'Max. Resistance (45 min.)',
'Ochratoxin A (Elisa)',
'Yield (Experimental Milling)',
'Alpine Screen O/200',
'Thickness (T)',
'Area (45 min.)',
'Max. Resistance (90 min.)',
'Lactic Acid',
'Starch Damage',
'Wet Gluten',
'Gluten Index',
'Vomitoxin (Elisa)',
'Foreign Material',
'Test Weight (lb/bu)',
'Alpine Screen O/325',
'Bread Score:',
'Grain (20)',
'Specific Volume',
'Texture (20)',
'Resistance (135 min.)',
'Moisture (Average)',
'Fermentation Time',
'Ratio No. (Max) (45 min.)',
'Diameter (Average)',
'Loaf Height',
'Sodium Carbonate',
'Hardness (Average)',
) AS GPALPIVOT order by project_id;
select * from "PARTHENON"."AGRONOMY"."INDIGO_LOT_ALL" lots left join GPALPIVOT
on lots.id ilike GPALPIVOT.customer_sample_number
on GPALPIVOT.customer_sample_number = inv.subinv_description||'_'||split_part(inv.locator,'.',1)||'-'||split_part(inv.locator,'.',2);
I am getting an error while I am trying to run this. PFB the screenshot of the error:
Link of the screenshot of the error
I have tried everything, I am clueless what to do now. Can someone please throw some light on this?