I would like to use the latest google-cloud-bigquery and dataflow sdk that is available for python 2.7
The client bigquery code for old and new versions has changed dramatically and the older versions are planned to be deprecated. based on the following publication: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/python-client-migration
My pipeline setup is the following:
*from setuptools import setup, find_packages*
* name='big-query',*
* version='1.0.0',*
* packages=find_packages(),*
* keywords=[*
* ],*
* license="Apache Software License",*
* install_requires=[*
* 'google-cloud-bigquery==0.28.0',*
* ],*
* package_data={*
* },*
* data_files=[],*
I call it from the pipeline code:
options.view_as(SetupOptions).setup_file = "./setup.py"
Environment: The SDK version on the dataflow view is showing 2.0.0 and a deprecation message The pipeline is written in Python 2.7.0 on Google Cloud datalab environment The installation of the update google-cloud-bigquery is failing
My questions are: 1. How do i update the dataflow SDK? setup.py file? update datalab? 2. What is the latest version of google-cloud-bigquery that I can use and its matching dataflow.
Thanks, eilalan