I've set up an AWS CloudWatch alarm with the following parameters:
ActionsEnabled: true
AlarmActions: "some SNS topic"
AlarmDescription: "Too many HTTP 5xx errors"
ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold
DatapointsToAlarm: 1
- Name: ApiName
Value: "some API"
EvaluationPeriods: 20
MetricName: 5XXError
Namespace: AWS/ApiGateway
Period: 300
Statistic: Average
Threshold: 0.1
TreatMissingData: ignore
The idea is to receive a mail when there are too many HTTP 500 errors. I believe the above gives me an alarm that evaluates time periods of 5 minutes (300s). If 1 out of 20 data points exceeds the limit (10% of the requests) I should receive an email.
This works. I receive the email. But even if the amount of errors drops below the threshold again, I seem to keep receiving emails. It seems to be more or less for the entire duration of the evaluation interval (1h40min = 20 x 5 minutes). Also, I receive these mails every 5 minutes, leading me to think there must be a connection with my configuration.
This question implies that this shouldn't happen, which seems logical to me. In fact, I'd expect not to receive an email for at least 1 hour and 40 minutes (20 x 5 minutes), even if the threshold is breached again.
This is the graph of my metric/alarm:
Correction: I actually received 22 mails.
Have I made an error in my configuration?
Update I can see that the state is set from Alarm to OK 3 minutes after it was set from OK to Alarm: