I am trying to automate JMeter performance tests for my Jenkins PR-Build for a Hybris Platform.
In order to run my JMeter performance script obviously the hybrisserver needs to start first so that localhost is available.
My approach was to start the server the same way as its done for integration tests and then execute the performance tests. I can see that the server is starting up just the same way as in the integrationtests target but all my requests from jmeter script are failing as localhost is not available.
Can anyone help with that?
Edit: Approach to start the Hybris Server as its done for the integration test
Edit: Approach to start Hybris Server within my ANT Target which runs my JMeter Performance Test - it also starts Hybris Server but localhost is not reachable aswell
same way as its done for integration tests
?. Please add a little more info and you will attract more answers. Thanks – www.hybriscx.comRegistry.activateMasterTenant();
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