I would like to define input file names from different varialbles extracted from a csv. I have built the following simplified example:
I have a file test.csv:
I give the path to test.csv in a json config file:
"samples": {
"summaryFile": "somepath/test.csv"
Now I want to run bwa on each file within a rule. My feeling is that I have to use lambda wildcards but I am not sure. My Snakefile looks like this:
#only for bcf_tools
import pandas
input_table = config["samples"]["summaryFile"]
samplesData = pandas.read_csv(input_table)
def returnSamples(table):
# Have tried different things here but nothing worked
return table
rule all:
expand("mapped_reads/{sample}.bam", sample= samplesData)
rule bwa_map:
lambda wildcards: returnSamples(wildcards.sample)
"bwa mem {input} | samtools view -Sb - > {output}"
I have tried a million things including using expand (which is working but the rule is not called on each file).
Any help will be tremendously appreciated.