
This is a strange one, and is related to the Delphi IDE environment, but I'm hoping someone has some insight, cos I'm at a loss.

Basically, the problem is that I'm now in a situation where any project I create that uses a TChart with a TBarSeries gives me the "Class TBarServices not found" error when I re-open it from a fresh start of the IDE.

As an example, currently if I do the following:

  • Create a new VCL forms application,
  • add a TChart component to the form,
  • edit the chart through the designer and add a Series, choosing Bar as the type.
  • Build the project,
  • run it, everything is fine.
  • Close the IDE and restart it.
  • Open the previously saved project. Immediately get the Error Reading Form message about Class TBarSeries not found.

But if I then:

  • Close the broken project without saving, and leave the IDE running.
  • Create a new VCL form with or without a project,
  • add the TChart and bar Series to the form,
  • close the form/application without saving.
  • Reopen the previously saved project that threw the error. No error any more.

Creating a new TForm with a TChart and TBarSeries is changing the Delphi IDE in some way that is not persistent, so that the next time the IDE is started, those projects no longer load properly.

I have included VCLTee in the Unit Scope Names, but the Enterprise version of Delphi 10.2 does not include the source for these components, so there are no additional paths I can add to the Library Path.

Once I have created a new form and set up the chart, everything is fine with any project that uses the TBarSeries so long as I don't close the IDE, so that's the workaround I currently employ.


1 Answers


Do you use DevExpress? I had the same problem when DevExpress Printing System for DBTeeChart was installed. Probably DevExpress uses old version of TeeChart different than this installed by you. I just disabled this DevExpress Printing System and now it's OK.