I'm using iText 7 with Html2Pdf to convert Html elements inside cells of table to PDF.
For each cell that contains Html string I use this code:
ConverterProperties converterProperties = new ConverterProperties();
converterProperties.setOutlineHandler(new OutlineHandler());
List<IElement> convertToElements = HtmlConverter.convertToElements(cellValue, converterProperties);
Paragraph p = (Paragraph)convertToElements.get(0);
The file contains other data as well but only this code adds duplicate of the font. (Link to example here).
In the example above I added 1 <b>
tag to specific cell. The Document
object has the regular DejaVu font as it's default and the bold is inside the FontProvider
This is how I set the fonts to the document:
Regular font -
pdfFont = PdfFontFactory.createFont(fontPath, PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H, true);
Bold font - (code from getBoldFont
FontProvider fontProvider = document.getFontProvider();
PdfFont createFont = null;
if (fontProvider == null) {
fontProvider = new FontProvider();
Collection<FontInfo> collection = fontProvider.getFontSet().get(boldFontName);
if (collection.isEmpty()) {
createFont = PdfFontFactory.createFont(boldFontPath, PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H, true);
// I need to call this part again because iText creates the font again
// and in this way I eliminate another duplication of the font.
collection = fontProvider.getFontSet().get(boldFontName);
createFont = fontProvider.getPdfFont(collection.iterator().next());
return createFont;
} else {
return fontProvider.getPdfFont(collection.iterator().next());
As for how I "add resultant elements to the document", I use document#add
and canvas#showTextAligned
My question is why I get the bold font more than once if I keep using the same font (I use getBoldFont
when needed) when need to convert Html to PDF and how to solve it.
Thank you in advance.