
Snippet from my code :

max = torch.tensor([3])
if USE_CUDA: max = max.cuda()
max_embedding = self.max_embedding(max) # dim of max_embedding: 1*5

item_dict = {}
for item in item_list:
    item = torch.tensor(item)
    if USE_CUDA: item = item.cuda()
    item_embedding = self.item_embedding(item) # dim of item_embedding: 1*20

embedded = torch.cat((max_embedding, item_embedding), 1)

But I get error of "RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered". The output by adding CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1:

/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCTensorIndex.cu:308: void indexSelectSmallIndex(TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<long, IndexType>, int, int, IndexType, long) [with T = float, IndexType = unsigned int, DstDim =2, SrcDim = 2, IdxDim = -2: block: [0,0,0], thread: [0,0,0] Assertion `srcIndex < srcSelectDimSize` failed.
/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCTensorIndex.cu:308: void indexSelectSmallIndex(TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<long, IndexType>, int, int, IndexType, long) [with T = float, IndexType = unsigned int, DstDim =2, SrcDim = 2, IdxDim = -2: block: [0,0,0], thread: [1,0,0] Assertion `srcIndex < srcSelectDimSize` failed.
/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCTensorIndex.cu:308: void indexSelectSmallIndex(TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<long, IndexType>, int, int, IndexType, long) [with T = float, IndexType = unsigned int, DstDim =2, SrcDim = 2, IdxDim = -2: block: [0,0,0], thread: [2,0,0] Assertion `srcIndex < srcSelectDimSize` failed.
/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCTensorIndex.cu:308: void indexSelectSmallIndex(TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<long, IndexType>, int, int, IndexType, long) [with T = float, IndexType = unsigned int, DstDim =2, SrcDim = 2, IdxDim = -2: block: [0,0,0], thread: [3,0,0] Assertion `srcIndex < srcSelectDimSize` failed.
/pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCTensorIndex.cu:308: void indexSelectSmallIndex(TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<long, IndexType>, int, int, IndexType, long) [with T = float, IndexType = unsigned int, DstDim =2, SrcDim = 2, IdxDim = -2: block: [0,0,0], thread: [4,0,0] Assertion `srcIndex < srcSelectDimSize` failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mytest.py", line 33, in <module>
     if USE_CUDA: item = item.cuda()
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered

How to fix it?

Check this link. This guy had the same issue because some of his labels had negative values.akshayk07
What is your GPU and what is the result of torch.version.cuda?jodag

1 Answers


This is a typical case of index-out-of-bounds error manifested itself in the context of embeddings. Check this link for solution to a similar problem.