
I got this error when using aws CLI, following the tutorial shows below to configuring the AWS CLI, I can only set up the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key. Where can I set the security token? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html

I am facing the same problem here. At first, I changed the default region and I thought that was the problem, so I repeated the installation and left all the values to the default, however, the error continued to appear.philippos

1 Answers


I found the answer to this. It might seem very simple though. Basically you were following the tutorial literally, which means you most probably input the exact AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key mentioned in the tutorial. However, those keys in red are just examples. What you should use are the keys from your own AWS account, i.e. My Security Credentials.