can someone help me with solving my problem?
I try to implement voice mail, I knew about tutorials about my problem, they were useful during building voice mail on first steps. I have endpoint for incoming calls, there I create response with dial TwiML for bind incoming call from SDK with call receiver. Below i will show you a TwiML example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dial action="{{HOST}}/api/v1/voice_mails/start_recording" callerId="client:[client identity]" timeout="15">
<Client>[Client identity]</Client>
the call happens, but if you wait 15 seconds + (5 seconds twillio adds) without answering, you get a request to record voicemail and call status callback, without "To" and "Called" params, they are blank.
There is example of action="{{HOST}}/api/v1/voice_mails/start_recording"
request params below
ApplicationSid "My Application Sid"
ApiVersion "2010-04-01"
Called ""
Caller "client:[identity]"
DialCallSid "DialCallSid"
CallStatus "in-progress"
CallSid "Call Sid"
To ""
From "client:[identity]"
DialCallStatus "no-answer"
Direction "inbound"
AccountSid [My AccountSid]
May be it will useful: my client identity format is number without "+" if phone number is "+1234567890" then identity will be "1234567890"