Per the comments, one way you can do this is to store these extra pieces of data in a ViewModel property and update them as your inputs change...
interface IFormData: {
[controlName: string]: {
value?: string;
type?: string;
unit?: string;
export class YourComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
control1Subscription: Subscription;
data: IFormData = {
controlName1: {},
controlName2: {},
form: FormGroup;
constructor (
formBuilder: FormBuilder;
ngOnInit(): void {
// get your service data here. We'll assume it's available
this.form ={
controlName1 : new FormControl(''),
controlName2 : new FormControl(''),
// every time the input value changes, get the associated values
this.control1Subscription = this.form.get('controlName1').valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
const data = this.serviceData.find(data => data.ctrlname === 'controlName1');['controlName1'].value = value;['controlName1'].type = data.type;['controlName1'].unit = data.unit;
ngOnDestroy(): void {
You could create these input value changes subscriptions in a loop, substituting the hard-coded ctrlname
values for the values in your data, making it scale to suit your needs.
Later, when you need to look up each set of values because you're able to reference each object by key, it's constant-time lookup and therefore as fast as you can retrieve them.
on the array of values to get the one that corresponds to the control name. From there you could maintain your own array of objects that has the form input value plus the other two values. – Brandon